8 Things a Great Vocalist Must Have

 In Music Industry Blog

There is a difference between singers and great vocalists. Many people know how to sing, but only some of them can be called great vocalists.
A vocalist is someone who is devoted to what they do, who works incredibly hard, and who is willing to sacrifice and does what it takes to become the best.


Here are the 8 features that are necessary to become an undeniably great vocalist:

  • Passion
  • Voice care & health
  • A desire to improve
  • Time commitment
  • Enunciation
  • Controlled breathing
  • Restraint
  • Your signature style




It takes an incredible amount of time, but you are going to be successful at it only if you have a passion for what you are doing. You’ll only be able to learn how to sing, practice, warm up, and learn new skills if you truly love the act of singing.


Voice Care & Health

Great vocalists are preparing for their performance days and even weeks in advance by ensuring their throat, chest, mouth, and their body will be in the best shape possible. This means giving up alcohol, certain foods, sticking to water and tea, getting plenty of sleep, etc.


A Desire to Improve

Making it big as a vocalist is very tough, and chances for even the best are slim. To continuously improve, you need to have the desire to improve.


Time Commitment

As a vocalist, you’ll be spending a large amount of time on stage or in the studio singing, but that some of the time you must devote to your craft to be a great vocalist.



If you want to sing specific genres of music like opera, you need to focus on some technical aspects of singing, including enunciation.

Enunciation is the act of pronouncing words, and while this may sound simple, it can become complicated and stressful very quickly when you’re singing.


Controlled Breathing

Breathing is perhaps the essential part of singing. If you don’t correctly control your breath, you could mess up the song.



As a vocalist, you need to know when to use certain tricks, from belting notes to hitting the whistle register to screaming. These things can all damage your vocal cords, so they must be used rarely.


Your Signature Style

As you’re learning and practicing, find out who you are as a vocalist. What does your voice sound like, and what makes it stand out from the crowd?


Should you need Vocal Coaches or if you are searching for Music Schools, go to MajorContacts.com! The most reliable contacts in the music industry!

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