Home Recording Studio Basics

 In Music Industry Blog

The concept of creating your home recording studio is something that many musicians may consider. A few years ago, this could be an expensive project, which would also require plenty of time to happen. However, nowadays creating your own studio is something relatively affordable.


Here are some basics to start creating your home recording studio:


  1. Space


Find a suitable space! Consider the needs of the space needed. Are you a solo musician or do you belong in a band? An extra room such as a bedroom in the house could be a suitable recording studio if you are a solo musician or for a particular type of music such as hip-hop or electronic music. Make sure you create a plan of your set up before you start putting money in your studio.


  1. Computer


These days, many songs are being created by computers. If you are not a professional, a cheap but fast laptop will do the job. A desktop may give you more options, but it will also require more money, and unless you are not a pro, this is something that can wait.


  1. Digital Audio Workstation and Audio Interface


A Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) is an essential software to record, edit and mix your music on your computer while the audio interface is necessary to connect your computer with the rest of your gear. For a start, you can buy this as a combo and save some money.


  1. Microphone


No matter what kind of a musician you are, a microphone is an essential tool to create music. For a start, a solid mic with a cost of 100-200 dollars will work just fine. If you do belong in a band and you want the best sound, keep in mind that you may need different microphones for different instruments.


  1. Headphones


At the beginning of your career, you will spend plenty of time by yourself. Therefore, a pair of high-quality headphones is essential. It is not a big deal if you don’t spend a fortune on it, with a budget of around 200 dollars you can buy a decent pair to start with.


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