Tips to Write Better Songs

 In Music Industry Blog

If you want to become a better songwriter, it will require time and patience. You can always join classes but let’s start from the basics with these 7 simple tips:


  1. Write daily

By doing something regularly, it will help you become better at it. You must set it as your priority and write daily as often as you can. There will be times where you may lack time, but still, you need to spend some time to do this.


  1. Organize your time to write

Make songwriting a routine. It could help you find the time you need for your daily writing.


  1. Keep notes

Inspiration comes and go. You may have a great tune in your mind, but before you realize it, it’s all gone. You may not have a piece of paper on you at all times, but your phone can be a great tool to keep notes.


  1. Move on

It may be hard to stop working on what you have started, but it comes a time you have to. There are times you need to rest your brain from that specific thing. Move along to something new or even get back to something you have left behind.


  1. Find your place

Find a place that inspires you. Somewhere comfortable that you can write without being distracted from the outside world.


  1. Relax your brain

Don’t sing and write all day long. Sometimes your brain needs to have some rest. Spend some time in total silence and let your brain relax.


  1. Try new things

Experiment with different things than your preference. Mix some rhythms and melodies of different styles. Co-operate with songwriters and musicians of different styles even if you don’t fancy, you will still learn something new out of it.


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