Unsolicited Music Demos and Songs: How to Get your foot in the Door of a Record Label

 In Music Industry Blog

When looking at the top search terms for in Google relating to record deals  I noticed a number of searches about “unsolicited music demos” and even “what is an unsolicited music demo?” So let’s discuss them and how to make them work for you:

What is an unsolicited demo?

If you view the FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) or contact information of most record label websites, you’ll see some kind of variation of a note saying “we’re not accepting unsolicited demos at this time.” Basically, an unsolicited demo is one that a record labels doesn’t directly ask for. For example, the spam mail you receive at home is considered unsolicited. You didn’t register for any newsletters or consent to prior contact so this means it is basically junk mail.

What if you were applying for a job position at a company that you knew was not hiring? Without any contact or conversation, you mail them a resume in high hopes of your resume being received by the correct person who would be interested in your exact skills and qualifications. Now imagine that you were the company and received about 100 unwanted resumes every week for a job opening that doesn’t exist from some people who are looking for a job. Imagine that the resumes are instead CD’s or press kits and now you can see why a lot of unsolicited demos are unheard.

Find reputable managers to submit your demo.

The majority of demos and press kits that are being looked at were ones being sent from management companies or booking agencies with a solid reputation.  That’s why we recommend finding a management contact on MajorContacts.com before attempting to directly send music to a record label A&R.

Some websites offer you a service where you can pay to “pitch” your music to record labels or music licensing agencies. Usually, that’s a waste of money too. If you want to pay someone to give you a chance, you might as well do pay to play shows, where there’s an audience who will listen to more than 45 seconds of your music.

It’s rare, but some independent labels do accept demos or have an inbox on Soundcloud that you could submit to. However, those are few and far between.

Why MajorContacts.com is important.

MajorContacts.com is a platform which allows it’s users to find managers to consult with to and to have them to submit your demo instead. Additionally, lots of record labels, producers, music publishers, and other entertainment companies willfully submit their contact info to be contact by members.

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