The Magical Powers of Music

 In Music Industry Blog

It is said that music has magical powers. It can drastically change the atmosphere as well as the mood of a person. Nowadays, we will all admit to the fact that music can transcend us to another world, can heal a depressed mind or can create a feeling of ecstacy.

Music is an arrangement of sounds and can be a handy tool for many people if it is played in a certain way.


The Components of Sound

Sound is formed through vibrating objects going through the air in the forms of sound waves. These sound waves reach the eardrum causing them to vibrate. Then the brain understands these vibrating waves as sound.

Sound waves travel at different rates of speed and have varying intensities and frequencies. The frequency of a sound wave is set by the number of times an object vibrates in one second.

The frequency that sound vibrates determines the pitch of that sound. If a sound wave vibrates quickly, it will produce a higher pitch. If a sound wave vibrates slowly, it will produce a lower pitch.


Magical Powers and Legends

There are many exciting stories about a legendary singer who had divine skills in music. We are referring to Tansen, who was born 400 years ago, in a small village near Gwalior and had magic in his voice.

When Tansen used to sing, birds and animals gathered around him, mesmerized by his marvelous tunes. The most famous story though about Tansen’s unique skills is while singing he could focus on a lamp and light it up. Alternatively, while singing the rain raga, he could bring rain and cool the climate.

Sound has extraordinary power. With scientific evidence now turning up, it seems to verify the teachings of our ancient ancestors who believed sound to be at the very center and core of everything.

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