4 Tips on How to Write Your Own Band’s Bio

 In Music Industry Blog

A biography is an essential part of an artist or band. The most important thing you should remember is: Your bio is a sales tool. A great bio will help convert visitors into fans and will give to media and bloggers a sense of who you are. Here are a few tips on how to write your own band’s bio:

1. Define your mission statement:

Before you start writing your bio, you should have a concise description of your music, what your music sounds like and who you are as an artist. In fact, some of the most compelling mission statements are phrases of 5-10 words. Think about – how you would describe your band if someone asked you “What’s your band like?” or “What kind of music do you play?”.

2. Skip birth and childhood:

The most common mistake musicians make when beginning to write a bio is starting from their birth and childhood. There is no need to write so many details. Better to leave childhood and birth section for your memoirs and focus on what is happening now.

3. Update your bio frequently:

Plan to update your bio frequently as new things will happen. Did you record a new album? Did you book a tour maybe? Make sure to add this info in your bio. Remember, your bio is a way to inform people what is currently happening. Updating your bio frequently, you are showing you are an engaged and active band.

4. Highlight important info:

In this part, you have to think – What do you want people to know? What is going to make them want to listen to your music?

Make sure to highlight important info such as music accomplishments and musical influences. You can also add some personal stories.

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