5 Tips to Look Good on Stage

 In Music Industry Blog

It is known that a musician’s body language (during a stage performance) impacts the audience’s perception. There are some musicians that have not worked on their gestures, facial expressions, movements and look. So, take your stage image seriously and spend some time deciding how you want your audience to see you!


Here are 5 tips that will help you look good on stage:


  1. Be Positive


When performing on stage, try to be positive! Try to smile and move confidently. Try to lift your eyebrows!  This will immediately light up and lift up your face. To sound more energized and not tired, raise your voice pitch slightly from your normal speaking voice!


  1. Practice


Try to arrange with your band practice performances and make sure to video-record! As soon as you finish your practice, you can watch the video and evaluate yourself.


  1. Eye Contact


It is important when you sing or speak to your audience, to have an eye contact with it. Just make sure that people feel that you are speaking/singing to them.


  1. Research your look


There are so many bands out there and some of them may have the same music genre as you do. A unique and powerful look will differentiate you from other bands. It is not a bad idea to make a research on your look so you can stand out from others!


  1. Don’t worry about mistakes.


If you make a mistake, do not worry. Just ignore it and move on! Facial expressions and comments will only draw attention to it.


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